Lifcid Suspension (Aluminium Hydroxide, Mag.Hydroxide & Simethicone) by Life Pharmaceutical Company
Drug Category: Antacid/Deflatulent
Indication: Effective in hyperacidity, Distension, Flatulence, Pregnancy heartburn, Dyspepsia, Hiatus hernia.
Each 5ml contains:
- Aluminium Hydroxide………..…………….215mg
- Mag.Hydroxide……………………………..….80mg
- Simethicone………………………………………25mg
Pharmacological Action:
- A proposed mechanism is the prevention of back-diffusion of hydrogen ion across the gastrointestinal mucosa. It generally is accepted that raising the gastric pH to approximately 4 prevent stress ulcer, which is thought to be mediated by acid back- diffusion. Another action of antacid is to prevent the conversion of gastric pepsinogen, a proenzyme, to pepsin, the active form. This is proteolytic enzyme thought to mediate tissue injury in the ulcer disease.Pepsinogens are inactivated reversibly at pH 5 and inactivated irreversibly at pH 7. It thus may be necessary to raise the pH to 5 to achieve the maximum benefit from antacids. Antacid may also enhance cytoprotection in the stomach. Finally, antacid may confer a therapeutic benefit by inactivating bile salts which are thought to reflux from the duodenum into the stomach.
- Amber Glass Bottle
- Syrup in High Density Polyethylene Bottle